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Search State of the Nations' Birds

Bird On! is pleased to provide the complete text of all the species descriptions from The State of the Nations' Birds by Chris Mead.

You may view the species alphabetically by common name:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [all]

or by scientific name:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [all]

or you may search for species by name:

Common Names
Scientific Names
Starts with
  Description of Species Format

The names of the following species start with C:

Canada Goose
Cape Shelduck (South African Shelduck)
Capercaillie (Western Capercaillie)
Cetti's Warbler
Chiffchaff (Common Chiffchaff)
Chough (Red-Billed Chough)
Cirl Bunting
Coal Tit
Collared Dove (Eurasian Collared Dove)
Common Gull (Mew Gull)
Common Rosefinch (Scarlet Rosefinch)
Common Sandpiper
Common Scoter (Black Scoter)
Common Tern
Coot (Common Coot)
Cormorant (Great Cormorant)
Corn Bunting
Corncrake (Corn Crake)
Crane (Common Crane)
Crested Tit
Crossbill (Common Crossbill)
Cuckoo (Common Cuckoo)
Curlew (Eurasian Curlew)

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