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Grey Partridge

Perdix perdix

UK ConservationUK ConservationIrish ConservationIrish ConservationSteep declineFrownFrown

Distribution Britain 1,629 (-18.7%) Ireland 35 (-86.3%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 145,000 Ireland 50
European status: 2,000,000 (7% in Britain and Ireland =3)
British population trend: steep decline (-78% CBC){-82%}
How likely are you to record it? 531 squares (11.8%) Ranked 60

This native gamebird is, for most sportsmen, the best. It prospered during the last century, but arsenical seed-dressings took their toll from 200 years ago! Introductions and rearing complicate the records but weather related problems, harsh winters and wet summers, knocked the population back. Losses in Ireland have been catastrophic and from being widespread it may become extinct soon. Indeed in 1999 there were thought to be only about 20 breeding pairs restricted to two sites and they may, without drastic intervention, be lost in the next few years. It has also been lost from much of Wales, the south-west peninsula and parts of Scotland. Detailed research by the GCT (Game Conservancy Trust)shows this is due to the lack of the insect food for the young chicks due to the intensification of agriculture. Paradoxically the birds are doing well in areas like Norfolk, where they are intensively shot but well looked after. Perhaps they should be taken off the game list on estates where they are not carefully nurtured! Prospects not good except in core areas.

UKBAP MAFF Game Conservancy Trust.

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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