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Great Crested Grebe

Podiceps cristatus

Irish ConservationStable populationSmileSmile

Distribution Britain 892 (+17.1%) Ireland 225 (+0.9%)
Numbers breeding: Britain 8,000 Ireland 4,150 (adults)
European status: 290,000 (2% in Britain and Ireland)
British population trend: increasing — long-term (+15% BBS)
How likely are you to record it? 124 squares (2.8%) Ranked 100 [77=]

These birds are elegant and welcome breeders on open water through much of Britain south of the Highland fringe and about half of Ireland. In the mid 1800s they were severely depleted as they were taken for their skins — as substitutes for fur! The recovery was well underway by the turn of the century and they are still expanding. In Ireland Lough Neagh with 750 pairs is a very important site and they are beginning to colonise the south-eastern part of the country — which does not have as many suitable waters. In Scotland there may have been a very gradual spread northwards but this may have stopped about 30 years ago. Good protection and new gravel pits are excellent news for this species.

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From The State of the Nations Birds
Copyright © 2000 by Chris Mead

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